朗威品牌以電動剃須刀和小家電為主導產品,品牌名深含男性剛毅的氣質,象征著朗威品牌始終所追求的勇于創新、敬業、執著、精益求精的產品制造態度以及完美、親和、誠信的服務精神,同時,朗威又是一個含有創業拼搏意味的詞匯,英文中的“RUNWE”是英文“我們一起向前”的含義,預示著我們與消費者一同進步,共同分享的理念,也暗含了我們與廣大合作伙伴“同創未來”的愿景。 多年來,伴隨著朗威品牌的不斷創新,朗威在消費市場上積累的較高的人氣, 其品牌內涵也不斷發展,總體上體現了朗威品牌大氣、穩重、嚴謹、執著的品牌內質,在朗威多品類發展的階段,更是延伸出了“創新品質、無限可能”的意義,使朗威在多品類小家電經營的路上更加從容不迫。
Runwe brand of the electric shaver is dominant,brand meaning manly,and representative Runwe brand regards craft brother as friends regards customers as god strives for development in competition takes “non-stop technical innovation excelsior production zealous and thoughtful customer service” as the principle of enterprise opens up new ways.At the Runwe development ways,we insist on”Innovation quality of infinite possibility” meaning, ensure Runwe will be the category of small household electrical appliances business more take it leisurely and unoppressively Road.
